Tag Archives: torii

The torii gate treasures (Kyoto, Japan)


Shrines are symbols of a holy place here in Japan. I am currently in kyoto which is a traditional and historic city in Japan. Faith is a very strong characteristic of Kyoto and its people. I have learnt that a lot of their faith is expressed through art, architecture, craft and trinkets. One of the more popular shrines is the Fushimi Inari Taisha of Inari. Located in Fushimi-ku.

When i first stepped out of the vintage looking Fushimiinari train station the place reminded me of a british countryside village. The train track just outside the station was a pedestrian rail crossing and the streets heading up the hill towards the temple were narrow and lined with souvenir shops, restaurants and Japanese cake shops. Of course they didn’t look like little english brick buildings but like Japanese paper houses made from wood and with sliding doors.

The temple was the classic colour of red and behind the temple is a small mountain. At the top of the Inari mountain is the most popular shrine. The trek to get there is up thousands of steps and in 30 degrees heat im sure you can imagine my ever so attarctive state once we got to the top. What made this journey interesting and worth it was the torii gates you have to walk through. They lead you right to the top from the normal ground to the holy ground. There was monkeys roaming around the higher you got and every so often I found clusters of mini shrines.

The trinkets hold a wish
In these mini shrines are candles and interesting trinkets. They have been left at the shrine for the shinto gods.
I saw china pots which collect water for the gods or an ornament of an animal. In this shrine i saw many komainu variations. This trinket is two guardian foxes (or dogs) that traditionally sit on each side of the shrine for protection. Ema’s are carved wooden plaques left at the temples that people write their wish onto in the hope that it comes true.

Whilst peering into each shrine i loved looking at the trinkets left behind. The trinkets are put there to complete a shrines wish and holy worship. Each trinket holds someones wish and prayer to the gods. Its magical knowing that in the pieces of china, jewels or wooden plaque is a persons deepest secret or sacred wish.

I have taken photos of the shrines wonders as they are special trinkets. I hope the worshipers wishes, dreams and hopes came true.







